Welcome to our nursery information page
Our nursery is teacher-led and supported by an experienced, dedicated teaching assistant. We want our children to thrive and grow. To do this, we provide a high-quality learning environment, both indoors and outdoors. Our unit is an integral part of our school and has its own dedicated classroom for indoor and outdoor play.
We have a secure, recently updated outdoor play area, with a veranda and a wide range of outdoor toys and equipment that are available to the children daily.
Teaching follows the main principles set out in the Government’s Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and staff use it to plan carefully for the learning, development and care of all children.
Our Nursery Day
Every child is entitled to 15 hours of childcare per week, from the start of the term after their 3rd birthday. This is known as Universal Funding.
In addition to this, many working families are now entitled to 30 hours of funded childcare per week. To find out more information or to check your eligibility, please visit here
Our aim is to offer provision that best meets the needs of the families within our community. Based on demand, we offer a range of session times – mornings, afternoons and full days. Parents requiring wraparound care for their child are also able to access both our Acorn Breakfast and After-School Club.
Lunch times are supervised by qualified early years teaching assistants to ensure there is a ratio of at least 1 adult to 8 children. Hot lunches cooked in our kitchen are available at a cost of £2:75 or children can bring a packed lunch.
Interested in a nursery place? Please visit our Nursery admissions page.