Nursery Admissions

Would you like to know more about our nursery? if so, please feel free to attend our next open morning on Saturday 26th April 10am – 12am

At this open morning, you can bring your child, explore the nursery, meet the staff,  and find out about how nursery placements are organised.

Welcome to Awsworth Primary School Nursery

Your child is entitled to 15 funded hours in the term after they turn 3.  In some cases, you are also entitled to an extra 15 hours and can apply for a code from the government.  Click here to see if you are entitled to this extra funding.  You will need to apply for the funding the term before they attend and renew it every two terms. 

Our Nursery is teacher-led and is supported by an enthusiastic and hard-working team of teaching assistants. We provide a happy, caring and successful learning environment.

Teaching follows the main principles set out in the Government’s Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and staff use it to plan carefully for the learning, development and care of all the children.

To apply for a place, please complete an expression of interest form found here: Form